Communications & Policy Engagement Consultant

Works on:

Communications and advocacy strategies, framing and communicating research, policy engagement, visual storytelling.

Specialist focus & knowledge:

Gender justice, women’s rights, women peacebuilders and women human rights defenders, the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

About me

Hello. I am a communications, advocacy and policy engagement consultant working on social impact projects. I collaborate with research institutions, civil society and activists to communicate research and advocacy focused on gender justice, women’s rights and social issues. 

I have developed communications and advocacy strategies for national and international engagement and worked with organisations to tell their stories and communicate their work. Through storytelling, narrative creation and message framing I collaborate to create communications that bridge the gap between expert understandings of social issues and public understanding. 

How we produce, communicate, engage with and consume knowledge shapes how we view and respond to social issues. Through my work I advocate that communication work, when combined with research and activism, can successfully leverage evidence-based solutions for sustainable action towards the advancement of gender equality and women’s rights.


Strategy development, policy engagement, storytelling, research, copy-editing, video production, knowledge exchange and communications training